Preparing for a storm can spare a surrogate from unneeded worry and stress during times of bad weather, power outages and even storm recovery!
As we navigate through this unprecedented freeze in Texas, as well as always facing the threat of floods and hurricanes, making extra preparations will ensure that everything remains well. After all, you have an extra tiny life to protect. Here are some guidelines to help surrogates prepare for the worst.
What you need to know:
- A pregnant surrogate close to her due date, should have an alternate birth location in mind in the event of road closures or an evacuation. Inform your doctor where you plan to go and how to reach him or her. They may have the ability to refer other doctors, hospitals or midwives in that area.
- Make a list of important phone numbers, insurance information, addresses of hospitals, etc., for easy access in the event of an emergency evacuation. Write this down in case your cell phone cannot recharge!
- Have copies of your prenatal care records in case you end up delivering at a new hospital with a new doctor.
- Try to find a friend or relative that you can stay with that’s within driving distance of the alternative hospital that you’re looking at. They can also help in planning if you stay with them.
- Make a supply bag, similar to your hospital bag. You can never be overprepared. Make sure to include any medications or supplements.
- Keep a supply of bottled drinking water on hand for emergencies. If you think your water is unsafe, bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute before use.
Try not to stress out. Stress can adversely affect your body and the baby. Use your support network to unload your feelings! Take some deep breaths and go to your happy place. Preparation in times of emergency is essential. Shared Conception wants to ensure the safety of our surrogates and surro-babies! Are you interested in becoming a surrogate? Give us a call today for a no pressure consultation. You can also visit to fill out an information request form! We would love to hear from you!