Learn More About Being an Intended Parent and Using a Surrogate

intended parentsOur commitment to you is that we facilitate the initial step toward realizing your dream of starting a family. When prospective parents embark on the surrogacy journey, it begins with a conversation. Shared Conception warmly welcomes all individuals eager to discuss this delicate matter.

As a comprehensive surrogacy agency, Shared Conception provides unparalleled support to intended parents at every significant juncture of their journey. Recognizing the challenges you’ve faced before considering surrogacy, we are dedicated to ensuring that you have a smooth path forward.

We pledge to identify the ideal surrogate for you. Our thorough matching process facilitates an extraordinary journey with a compatible surrogate while guiding you toward a nurturing parent-surrogate relationship.

Establishing and nurturing a strong bond with your surrogate is crucial. Ongoing and open communication during the pregnancy is imperative for joint decision-making that impacts both her well-being and your baby’s future. Fostering an open dialogue ensures your surrogate feels respected, engaged, and embraced, acknowledging the selfless act of kindness many surrogates undertake.

Maintaining a positive relationship may lead to further journeys, such as a sibling journey or assisting another family. A close connection with your surrogate enhances your involvement in the pregnancy, allowing you to feel connected to the journey and your impending parenthood.

Building a relationship takes time. Invest effort in understanding your surrogate utilizing the information Shared Conception provides, and don’t hesitate to express any concerns. Starting a conversation with vulnerability, such as admitting nervousness, is entirely acceptable.

Every surrogacy journey is unique, and there’s no prescribed method for initiating a dialogue with your surrogate. Our overarching goal is to ensure you cherish the journey and ultimately receive the most precious gift of all. If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options, please contact Shared Conception at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.