The Importance of BMI in Surrogacy

BMI and surrogacySurrogacy is a great option that brings hope and joy to many aspiring parents who are unable to conceive. In the process of surrogacy, a surrogate carries and delivers a baby on behalf of another individual or couple (the intended parents). While surrogacy can be a fulfilling path to parenthood, it necessitates careful consideration of various factors to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a successful outcome. One critical factor in surrogacy is Body Mass Index (BMI), and in this blog, we will discuss why.

Understanding BMI

BMI is a numerical value derived from an individual’s height and weight. It is a widely accepted tool used to categorize individuals into underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on their body composition.

BMI is a useful screening tool for assessing body fat and evaluating potential health risks associated with weight.

BMI and Surrogacy

When it comes to surrogacy, both the surrogate and intended parents’ BMI can play a crucial role. Here’s why BMI is important:

  1. Health and Pregnancy Outcomes:

BMI is an indicator of overall health. Maintaining a healthy BMI is associated with a reduced risk of various health issues, including gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and complications during pregnancy. In surrogacy, a healthy BMI in both the surrogate and intended parents can lead to a safer pregnancy and better outcomes for both the surrogate and the baby.

  1. Fertility and Conception:

BMI can affect fertility, for both the surrogate and the intended mother. Women with a higher BMI might experience difficulties in conceiving, which can hinder the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. On the other hand, being underweight can also affect fertility. Achieving a healthy BMI can optimize the chances of successful conception and a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Medical Screening:

Surrogates undergo comprehensive medical and psychological screenings before the surrogacy process. BMI is an essential parameter in these screenings to ensure the surrogate is in good health and has a suitable body composition for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Risk Management:

Maintaining an appropriate BMI is a proactive measure to manage risks during pregnancy. Surrogates with a BMI within the recommended range are likely to have fewer complications during pregnancy and childbirth, providing a safer environment for both the surrogate and the baby.

The health and well-being of both the surrogate and the intended parents are paramount in the surrogacy journey, making BMI an important factor to consider when embarking on this remarkable path to parenthood. Shared Conception is extraordinarily selective in selecting surrogates. As a candidate, you MUST pass an extensive and well-thought-out screening, including a medical, psychological, and financial profile. To learn more about the requirements to be a surrogate with Shared Conception, please read our page Become a Surrogate Mother. If you have any questions at all, please contact us at 713-622-1144.