Surrogacy and The Upcoming Holidays

holidays with surrogatesThe holidays can be stressful for anyone, but for surrogates, it can be a particularly busy and overwhelming time of year. Not only are they often taking care of their own family, but they are taking care of a growing baby for the intended parents. As the Intended Parents, you may be wondering how to handle the upcoming excitement of the season, the excitement of your soon-to-arrive baby, and how to make things a little easier for your surrogate.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Communicate to your surrogate if you want to share aspects of the upcoming holidays with her and her family. If the feeling is mutual, be sure to plan in advance to make it happen so that neither party has added stress.
  2. Send or give your surrogate a gift card to her family’s favorite restaurant so they can enjoy spending an evening together. At Christmas time, you may also decide to gift her children something small. One final gift option to consider is gifting her husband a gift card somewhere he may enjoy—after all, he is also a big part of the surrogacy process.
  3. Your surrogate will impact your life for years to come, so one way to commemorate this special moment is to add a sentimental ornament to your Christmas tree. You could also gift the surrogate and her family with a special ornament. If they celebrate Hanukkah, you could buy them a decorative dreidel. The gift doesn’t have to be holiday-themed; any gift from you would be a gift from the heart.
  4. If you opt-out of giving a gift card or having her family over for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas dinner, an alternative idea would be to bake her and her family their favorite dessert and personally deliver it to them.

Most importantly, be sure to let your surrogate and her family know how thankful you are for her decision to help you and your partner start a family of your own.

If you are interested in learning more about surrogacy options or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact us at 713-622-1144, and we will be here to help you with any questions.