Telling your child their origin

The conversation with your child about being born via surrogacy can be a difficult one. It is a story about how hard you worked to have them, and it is part of their identity. Talking about it early on is a way to normalize their birth through surrogacy – and help them be proud of their origin.


Younger children are more open-minded and understanding. The older they get, the more questions they can have, and if the conversation begins early on, it can be easier and more comfortable to discuss when brought up throughout their lives.


Experts agree it is essential to be honest with your children from the start:
“The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Ethics Committee suggests that parents disclose their children’s conception story, and research has suggested that secrecy about a child’s origins may have a negative impact both on the child and his or her parents.”


Don’t forget about the number of friends and family members that know your child’s story. It can be damaging if your child hears the truth from someone else. After all, there is no reason to be ashamed of their story, and you shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it either. You can always ask for the help of friends, family, and professionals. Refer to our blog Four Books for Children of Surrogates. These books help children to understand by delivering age-appropriate messages about surrogacy.


Many of our intended parents still have relationships with their surrogates, and those surrogates remain an important part of their lives. Having this relationship can make it easier and also normalize the conversation.


Always remember, your child’s surrogacy story is a positive one. It involves people coming together to create a life. Be proud of the way you built your family. Surrogacy is a magnificent and joyous phenomenon. If you are interested in having a surrogate, let Shared Conceptions make your dreams of a family a reality. Give us a call today, and we will help you get one step closer to the child you have always wanted. Visit for more information.

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