When you become a gestational surrogate, someone puts their hope into your hands. This hope is becoming a biological parent with your help. A lot of time, money and emotions is invested into this journey. This is why it’s important to give this task your best.
There are many health requirements to make sure you are suitable to carry a child as a surrogate. One of the requirements for becoming a surrogate is a previous “successful term pregnancy.” What this means is that to be a surrogate, you need to have had given birth before. Many women may not want children of their own but are willing to put their perfectly healthy uterus to work for someone else. Unfortunately, gestational surrogacy doesn’t work that way. And, there are many reasons why.
Becoming a surrogate with no previous pregnancy experience is risky. Even if an intended parent(s) is willing to accept the risks of working with a surrogate who has never had her own pregnancy, the fertility clinic, or surrogacy agency will become a road block. In most cases, and for their own protection, a clinic or agency will not work with a woman who has never given birth.
While wanting to become a surrogate is selfless, without prior pregnancy experience, you most likely haven’t experienced (or survived) the joys of being a parent yourself. This makes it more difficult to understand what parenthood really means; especially to someone who desperately wants it.
Intended parents come to Shared Conception because they want to build their family. They often have gone through a lot before they choose surrogacy. Deciding on the path of surrogacy is many times the result of infertility. We also work with single individuals and same-sex couples who are in need of assisted reproduction to help build their family. The intended parents want to be matched with a surrogate who gives them the best chances of success, and that is someone with a previous and successful pregnancy.
If a surrogate has never been pregnant or carried a child to term, she may have limited knowledge of her own fertility. This information is important to intended parents who are ready to emotionally and financially invest in a surrogacy journey.
Even with all the professionals involved in a journey, surrogacy can be complicated and risky. That is why pregnancy history is one of the key factors in evaluating a potential surrogate for both our surrogacy agency and intended parents. Shared Conception does all we can do to mitigate risks and create a positive experience for everyone. This guideline is set by the ASRM, and we believe that it is necessary since it offers valuable information in determining if a woman qualifies to be a surrogate. Shared Conception is ready to help you embark on this journey. Give us a call today!