Pregnant During the Holidays?

Ok, you’re pregnant and it’s the Holiday Season. You may not always feel merry and bright, but there are a ton of reasons why being pregnant this season rocks!

  1. Getting out of Obligations

That wonderful baby bump is now your best reason for dipping out early on your boss’s holiday party. Kick off those heals and slip into something cozy! Sleep is essential to your baby making body; in all stages of pregnancy. When your body says sleep, you must grant that wish – so rest up!

  1. Comfort is Key

There is something about a pregnant belly that steals the spotlight. You could have the same outfit on for three holiday events and still receive the same number of compliments at event three as event one. Or, as we suggested on the top of our list, you can ditch the party heels for cozy socks and virgin eggnog.

  1. The Food

Take that second helping at dinner, indulge in two desserts – or take that last piece of pie! Although calories still count when pregnant and you should eat as healthy as possible, don’t feel guilty to indulge once in a while. Since that nice glass of wine with dinner or mixed signature cocktail is off limits, an extra slice of pie can make up for it!

  1. Be Holly Jolly

You are doing a selfless and wonderful thing for a family. They appreciate you, so you need to appreciate you. This is a magical time of year and you should revel in the holiday spirit. We all tend to have a heightened sense of the warm and fuzzies during this season, so enjoy it!

  1. Off the “hosting” hook

You are creating a human…no one is expecting you to host. Enjoy going to parties, leaving when you want and don’t put pressure on yourself by throwing any kind of extravaganza, big or small.

  1. The Warmth

When you are pregnant, your internal body temperature increases. Not something to look forward to when you are pregnant in the warmer months, but during the winter months, you will stay nice and toasty, even with a chill in the air.

Shared Conception wishes you the most wonderful Holiday Season. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate, please contact us for a no pressure, informative phone consultation. We can answer any of your questions and inform you of the process to see if surrogacy is right for you! Give us a call today.

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