Pregnancy and Posture

Pregnancy and Posture

Proper posture during pregnancy is an easy way to prevent back pain while adding extra pregnancy pounds during those blissful 9 months. Training your body to properly stand, sit move and even lie down puts less strain on your back. Proper alignment can decrease low back and neck pain. It even helps fight against fatigue. Although your blossoming belly makes you feel like you can topple over with a simple shift, there are several tips listed below that can help you maintain good posture.

  • Keep your chin tucked in so your ears are in a straight line with your shoulders.
  • Avoid standing in the same position for long amounts of time.
  • Choose the flat comfy and supportive shoes! Not high heels! For your back’s sake!
  • Consider a maternity support belt. It may not be the most fashionable item you own, but it is the most relieving.
  • When seated, sit in a chair that supports the length of your thighs and knees are level with your hips.
  • When lying on your side (because what other choice do you really have?) place a pillow under your belly and between your knees. This supports the weight of your uterus and top leg.

Remember, correct posture requires practice AND it makes such a difference.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate and would like more information, you can visit our website: www.sharedconception.comor give us a call for an informative, no pressure conversation at 713.622.1144.



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