Congratulations! You made it through the first trimester. On top of the usual suspects; morning sickness, fatigue, food aversions, frequent urination, etc., you may still have those pesky needles to inject. By this time, you can administer the shot with your eyes closed, but your backside may be suffering. It could feel like a constant bruise. The good news is that n your second trimester you will quickly wean off of these shots!
Also, unless there are any concerns or complications, you will be released to your OBGYN of choice, which often times, is at a more convenient location than your fertility clinic. You will have ultrasounds during the second trimester; one being the anatomy ultrasound where you can find out the sex of the baby. This is an exciting opportunity for the intended parents to attend if possible. If you are carrying for out-of-state or international intended parents, take video, pictures or even Facetime during these important and exciting appointments!
So you are feeling more like yourself, you no longer have to inject yourself and you see your chosen OB. It can’t get any better, right? The second trimester is full of exciting times for you and the intended parents. During this time, it is not uncommon for your intended parents to worry about birth defects, your diet and level of activity. If your intended parents seem concerned, take it kindly. Most of the time this is their first child, so think back to your first pregnancy. If this becomes an issue, call us at Shared Conception so we can help!
It’s important to remember that you are responsible if there are any changes in your insurance coverage. This can come into play if there are any life changes such as you or your partner’s employment, a relationship change, or a move. In this case, contact Shared Conception and we can walk you through the necessary steps to ensure that you are fully covered throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.
The staff at Shared Conception is here to assist you and the intended parents. Do not hesitate to contact us when necessary. We are just a phone call away!