Surrogacy in 2019

With the start of 2019, Shared Conception would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Here’s to all things good as we see another year come and go. We found the most common New Year’s Resolutions – do any of yours match up with the following?

1.     Lose Weight

2.     Get Organized

3.     Spend Less Money, Save More $$

4.     Enjoy Life to the Fullest

5.     Get Healthy & More Active

6.     Learn Something New

7.     Quit Smoking

8.     Help Others

9.     Find Love

10.  Spend More Time with Family

At our surrogacy agency, our chief goal is #8, “help others… in their dreams.”  As an Intended Parent or someone thinking of becoming an Intended Parent, now is a great time to finally make your dream of becoming a parent come true. This yearis the time to research what it means to use our top-of-the-line surrogacy agency and how to successfully navigate the role of being an Intended Parent. Making the first step can hopefully lead to you, the beginning of your family!

As a surrogate mother, you also have the opportunity to literally “help others in their dreams.”  Imagine being able to give the gift of a baby, the gift of life, to a family who so yearns to parent and lovingly raise a child. This is also the perfect time for you to start researching what it means to have a baby for another family. It’s never too early tostart prepping your body (through a healthy diet and exercise) to carry a baby.  It’s a great time to call our agency and start the screening process. 

It’s such a treat to start the new year with a clean slate. Let’s intentionally write the words to our own life story. Peruse the above-mentioned resolutions (pay close attention to #8), and determine how this new year will unfold for you and your family. Happy New Year!

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