There are many individuals and couples out there that are struggling with infertility; more than you may know. Whether it is your neighbor, the checkout associate at your grocery store, a personal trainer at your gym or the bank teller that gave you change for that twenty-dollar bill, infertility affects thousands of Americans, but is rarely talked about. For those who have struggled from years of infertility, any reminder of their situation can heighten their sadness.
Family gatherings can be stressful enough, and for those unable to have a child, dodging or answering “family-building questions” may trigger tension and sorrow. A pang of emotional pain could have emerged at the sound of children laughing or at the sight of them scampering.
Those who encountered challenges reproducing do admit that when they were ready to start a family, they thought having and raising the baby would be the hard part; not conceiving.
If you are battling infertility, you are definitely not alone. According to recent statistics, 10 to 15 percent of couples living in the United States have been diagnosed with infertility. Compound this with couples and individuals around the globe suffering from infertility, and those numbers increase astronomically. Although fertility treatments work for some, others do not respond to these various forms of treatment.
Despite the obstacles, it’s important to never lose hope.
Never forget, if one road doesn’t bring about the birth of a child, another will. And a very special way is through surrogacy.
In addition to those dealing with their fertility challenges, there are also same-sex couples who rely on surrogacy, and sperm and egg donation so that they can achieve their dreams of parenthood.
While it’s a different pace for all, intended parents arrive at a point in their lives, when recognizing that their future family is within their reach through surrogacy. They have endured so much to have their baby. Coupled with their compassion, intended parents redefine the meaning of appreciation and patience.
Over time, they come to realize that anything worth the wait is worth waiting for. And that way is through surrogacy. Give us a call at Shared Conception, we can help you.