Managing Multiples

Even though it is becoming uncommon, there are still some Intended Parents who have their surrogates carry multiples. There is also a very small chance that some surrogates who only had one embryo transferred to them, end up carrying twins when the embryo split. No matter how you came across more than one baby, managing multiples as a surrogate is a challenge.

Carrying multiples, although exciting and a happy time for you and your Intended Parents, is much harder than a singleton. It’s harder on your body, mind and everyday life. It also comes with a greater risk of complications. The most common complication is preterm labor and birth. Over half of multiples are premature. These babies are often smaller and have lower birth weight than a full term baby. Preterm babies may require assistance breathing, eating and staying warm. Many preemies serve a stint in neonatal intensive care.

When carrying multiples, you are twice as likely to develop high blood pressure. This is called gestational hypertension. The majority of women with gestational hypertension have healthy pregnancies and babies, but it can also be a sign of other complications. This is why your doctor monitors you blood pressure.

Pregnancy is draining. Pregnancy with multiples is even more draining. If you feel overwhelmingly tired, you may have anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia is most common during pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription or suggest iron supplements that are sold over the counter at your local pharmacy. Including iron rich foods into your diet such as: dark leafy greens, red meat, chicken, pork, beans, peas and dried fruit can help prevent anemia.

Embrace those little ones while you have them and just go with the craziness that comes along with being pregnant with multiples. You will have the best experience and stories unlike any single pregnancy.

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