Gifts for you Labor & Delivery Nurse

Labor and delivery nurses work tirelessly to keep you at the most comfortable you can be during your delivery. They are constantly by your side with unparalleled expertise and experience. Compassion is their greatest asset and most essential to their patients. If you have been blessed with a stellar labor and delivery nurse, don’t be afraid to thank them!

Most nurses don’t need expensive and lavish gifts. They love snacks, gift cards and other inexpensive items that are thoughtful and can be enjoyed during their long shift. Simple items and things that can be shared with their co-workers such as a tray of cookies, a box of doughnuts, good coffee, a basket of fresh fruit, boxes of chocolates and candies are a great way to say “thank you.” Many times just a simple “thank you” is all that is necessary.

If you are feeling creative and have the time, pinterest has a ton of wonderful DIY ideas for labor and delivery nurses.

Surprising to think about, you spend the majority of your labor with a nurse. Seasoned nurses have seen it all. They take on many of the responsibilities we don’t want to, like kicking out a family member thata’s driving you nuts – without offending anyone! They are truly magical.



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