There are many things to do when preparing for the delivery of your child (or children). After being through a hopefully wonderful journey with your surrogate, how do you prepare for delivery? Let’s start by taking a tour of the hospital. All hospitals are different and offer different amenities. This is very important for both the Intended Parents and surrogates. It can also put parents at ease so they feel more comfortable when it comes time for delivery.
Here are some suggestions to help reduce the stress of the big day and make you feel better prepared:
Pack a bag for the hospital. Do not pack last minute. This will induce stress. Although there is no guarantee of when your newborn will enter the world, packing a couple weeks before the due date will prevent throwing clothes and “stuff” in a bag last minute. Stay comfortable and warm as hospitals tend to be on the cold side. And don’t forget that phone charger. You will most likely be taking endless amounts of photos and videos to show off your newest addition!
Most important, make copies of and bring all your necessary paperwork. Your surrogate is responsible for taking her medical and legal paperwork, but it does not hurt to take a copy of the parentage order / pre-birth order and your surrogacy contract.
Snacks are important; you never know how long you will be in labor and delivery, so it is a good idea to stay properly fueled throughout a possibly long day or night. This brings us to our next suggestion; take something to do…have some movies or shows downloaded on your iPad, create a good playlist of uplifting positive tunes, get a little creative with an adult coloring book or bring a deck of cards.
Preparing for delivery may seem a bit overwhelming, but it is essential for a smooth, stress-free delivery.