6 Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain

Be it day one or the second trimester, pregnancy often yields a bit of discomfort. And the central point of that discomfort is usually the back. For many surrogates (and expectant mothers everywhere), finding relief can sometimes feel impossible.

If you are experiencing back pain during your surrogate pregnancy, try using ice, heat, or massage to relieve symptoms. Beyond that, check out the following methods to find relief. (As always, consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program during pregnancy.)

1. Strengthen your back muscles from the get-go. The best place to start is at the beginning. Keeping those muscles strong and lean from the start of your pregnancy means more support and less pain. Who doesn’t want that?

2. Practice good posture. Stand up straight and tall with your chest high and shoulders back and relaxed. Don’t lock your knees. As the baby grows, your center of gravity naturally shifts forward. This means that you’re likely leaning backward in an effort not to fall forward. This strains the muscles in the lower back and leads to pain. To be mindful of your posture, try the following:

Stand up straight and tall

Hold your chest high

Keep your shoulders back and relaxed

Don’t lock your knees

3. Choose alternative care. Pre-natal chiropractic care during pregnancy is a safe and effect way to not only get relief but to help before, during, and after the birthing process. Acupuncture is also a wonderful option for back pain and even morning sickness.

4. Try different yoga poses and proper stretching.

5. Foam roll your lower back. Foam rolling, pregnant or not, can offer a ton of relief.

6. Wear a supportive bra and supportive shoes. Doing so can relieve some of the back discomfort by keeping the spine more neutral and providing a good base of support, respectively.

And those times you’re really feeling the throb, just think about the bigger picture. You’re helping bring life into the world for a family that is grateful beyond words! Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, is happy to help with all aspects related to a surrogacy pregnancy. Give us a call.

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