Gems, Stones and Crystals for Increasing Fertility

Which gems, stones and crystals are said to best help boost fertility? Our list of fertility stones includes each gemstone's healing properties. 

Moonstone  is a great gemstone for fertility. It has a reflective and  calming energy by balancing emotions due to stress and anxiety. It is said to have the power to grant wishes.  Moonstone is often used for fertility and infertility as it is said to regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle and boost female energy. Moonstone is a love stone, and is said to draw love to its wearer. It can help  solve problems between lovers. If it is worn during sexual intercourse, it not only can make the woman very fertile, it is said to help impregnate her too. 

Rose Quartz is said to aid increasing overall fertility. It is also helpful with headaches, migraines, sexual dysfunction,  depression, addictions, ear aches and weight loss. Rose quartz is helpful and protective during pregnancy and with childbirth. Emotionally, Rose Quartz brings forgiveness, compassion, as well as balancing one's emotions. It helps with healing emotional wounds and traumas. Rose Quartz removes fears, resentments and anger.  

Aventurine is used to encourage pregnancy and enhance fertility. It is considered the stone of love, which can boost all feelings and emotions, and also promote optimism and self-confidence. It is also believed that this stone can help to win over the heart of the loved one. It is also used to promote friendships, happiness and increasing luck.  

Pearls symbolize tears, provide love and fertility. They offer protection from negative energy and events.  

Red Carnelian is said to boost fertility, energy, promote sexuality and planned reproduction. Red Carnelian also stimulates and balances the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. It alleviates PMS and balances reproductive hormones and helps guard against miscarriage. The stone is also used for Arthritis, Cancer, reducing cramps, stress and depression.

Aquamarine is highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm.  It also discourages miscarriage. 

Fluorite is key for assisting to stabilize hormonal changes such as PMS, PCOS and menopause. 

Black Coral is one of the most widely recommended gemstones for boosting male fertility. It is said to be an emotional healer, brings peace, stimulates intuition, enhance virility and fertility as well as relieve stress. Black coral also increases creativity.

Ruby Zoiste  (also known as Anyolite) promotes fertility as it supports the reproductive process on all levels, from conception, birth to growth and development. It stimulates the root chakra to increase vitality and enthusiasm for life.

Smoky Quartz increases fertility, balances sexual energy and helps to alleviate depression for both men and women. Smoky Quartz is good for people with radiation-related illness or those in chemotherapy. Smoky Quartz has positive effect on sexual organs, therefore it is good for Myoma and Menopause. For men it is excellent for inflammation of the Prostate Gland.

Turquoise is not only December's birthstone, it is a gemstone that provides protection, grounding, strength, courage, love and luck.Turquoise is also a token of friendship. Perhaps it's strongest ability is for alleviating negativity. Many Indian tribes associate Turquoise with fertility.

Unakite is said to cleanse and balance. It is associated with fertility and has been used as a fertility aid. Unakite is also recommended for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Many doulas will not deliver a child without the presence of Unakite.

Shared Conception hopes this information will, as always, keep you informed as well as help you choose unique stones and gems. Any gem store or several websites such can custom create a piece for you using any combination of these stones. Our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, would love hearing more about your stones and gem selections. Let us hear from you!

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