Planning a Surrogacy

If you’re reading this, you are most likely researching surrogacy and all that it entails. And while you’re probably still learning the ins and outs of the process, there are some things you should know that may not pop up in your next internet search.

As we want you to be fully informed as intended parents, our surrogacy agency, Shared Conception, gathered a list of the top things to avoid when researching and planning a surrogacy.

1. Don’t just consider the independent route. Working with a surrogacy agency affords you a service that directly provides or arranges all the required screening, matching, medical procedures, and legal actions needed in a surrogacy. More importantly, safeguarding your parental rights and establishing parentage requires solid legal information to which we have access.

2. Don’t work with an agency or clinic that doesn’t adhere to ethical guidelines.
These guidelines have been developed to assist physicians with clinical decisions regarding the care of their patients. Guidelines are also in place for egg donor evaluations, optimal screening processes, appropriate payments to oocyte donors, and more.

3.Don’t set unrealistic expectations. Surrogacy and egg donation are human experiences. No one can control how and when an individual will respond to medication; whether or not travel plans need to be changed at the last minute; or whether, despite seemingly ideal conditions, a pregnancy will be achieved on a given transfer.
These elements are often out of your control, out of your egg donor’s control, out of your surrogate’s control, out of your clinic’s control, and out of your surrogacy agency’s control.

4.Don’t forget your support system. Rely on your spouse, family, friends, surrogacy
agency and surrogate. Be open and honest in your discussions with them. If you need it, do not hesitate to work with a counselor to help you work through the emotional challenges you may face during this evolving time in your life.

5.Don’t overlook your relationship with your surrogate. It’s important to address
expectations of the relationship between the  intended parents and the  surrogate at the start of the journey. Is a phone call once a week sufficient? Do you want to Skype on a regular basis? Is an in-person get-together important? Really think about these things,  as they can play a big part in having a fulfilling experience.

Making assumptions when going into a surrogacy arrangement is not a good idea. It’s best to heed the advice of professionals and work with a full-service surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception. We hope the tips in today’s post will guide you, resulting in a surrogacy arrangement that has a happy ending!

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