9 Reasons to Become a Surrogate

The reasons a woman chooses to become a surrogate can be endless. Chances are, if you’re considering making this life changing choice, you’ve already compiled a list of reasons and benefits. Even so, here are nine more benefits to consider; one for each month you’ll be carrying a child.

1. Giving Life. Surrogates are given the chance to give a gift that no one else can. Intended parents turn to surrogacy because they need help conceiving a child. You’ll be chosen to help that couple become a family. You’re the one person who can turn an only child into a brother or a sister. It’s a selfless gift unlike any other, and the sense of accomplishment is a benefit all its own.

2. Financial. Yes, you get paid. While our surrogates agree that financial compensation is not the only reason they choose to become a surrogate, it is indeed a benefit worthy of consideration. Many women use the compensation to put a down payment on a new house, buy a new car, send themselves back to school, or pay off college loans. Others use the funds as the nest egg that allows them to open their own business or even stop working in order to stay at home with their own children.

3. One More Time. Our surrogates tell us they love being pregnant. If you’re like them, you had uncomplicated pregnancies and loved every minute. Even so, your own family might be complete. Becoming a surrogate gives you the benefit of being pregnant one more time.

4. Be a Role Model. Choosing to be a surrogate makes you a stand out figure, not only in your home but also in your community. Earning the respect of your own children and of your peers is indeed a benefit.

5. Global Perspective. Becoming a surrogate will open eyes, both your own and those of people around you. Choosing to walk this road will give you the benefit of perspective. The ability to see life from walks of life very different to your own can be humbling and empowering at the same time.

6. Self Confidence. On delivery day, in the 12th hour, when you hurt and when you just want to go to sleep, something amazing happens. You give birth to a child with no relation to you. You make a family. You change the world. In this moment, your self-confidence soars to heights you never knew possible. You swell with pride and receive a benefit you cannot comprehend until you’ve lived it.

7. A Different Kind of Family. Many intended parents seek to have an emotional bond with their surrogate. Quite a few surrogates report having long lasting bonds with the families they help create. Think of it as an extended family that you get to choose.

8. Health Care. From the moment you become a surrogate you receive access to healthcare. Either through a surrogacy specific plan or your own current health care plan, you will have access to pregnancy related health care at no cost to you.

9. Community. Becoming a Shared Conception surrogate gives you a VIP pass to join the ranks of many other like-minded women. We are a family-oriented and community-minded surrogacy agency.

Whatever reasons you have that have brought you to consider becoming a surrogate, know that you’re already an extraordinary woman. We look forward to having you complete our online initial application and speaking with you about the many tangible and intangible benefits of choosing to become a surrogate. Shared Conception looks forward to hearing from you this new year! Make it an unforgettable 2016!

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