Let’s Talk Surrogates….Who Are They?

So choosing a woman to be your surrogate is the central part of your surrogacy experience. A surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception, understands the importance of the intended parents choosing just the right surrogate.  We know how to efficiently present you with a dossier of potential women. We know which surrogate profiles match up or compliment YOU. Here’s a rendition of an intended parent’s perusal of prospective surrogate mothers.

“Shortly after our meeting, our surrogacy agency started sending us profiles of potential surrogates. It felt strangely like getting a letter from a roommate who would be sharing your dorm room freshman year. They described themselves, their lives, their ambitions. Their household incomes were not, on the profiles I saw, more than $50,000. Most asked for between $20,000- $25,000 to carry a baby, more for twins, and each made different stipulations: This one would not abort if the fetus was found to have Down syndrome, another one would.

The information in the packets provided by potential surrogates offered a rich picture of the country. There were married women and single women, women in their 20s and women in their 40s; women who would be willing to bear a child for a gay couple and women who would not; women from the Bible Belt, the Rust Belt, the Pacific Northwest and the industrial Northeast. Reports from social workers provided intimate details of their personal lives. We considered connecting with one woman who lived in the South but changed our minds when we tried to figure out how our child would explain why he was born in a state that his parents had never visited before his conception. And I worried about traveling so far for the surrogate’s doctor’s appointments at least once a month.

The personal stories of the potential surrogates were deeply moving. One woman had given up her newborn for adoption rather than have an abortion; the experience led her to explore surrogacy. Most of the prospective surrogates were married and had children. Most had high-school educations, some had gone to college and some were college graduates.”

The tapestry of surrogates ready to help you build your family is rich and diverse. We know how to connect with these women and we want to help you connect with these surrogates. Call us and we will start the journey.


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