Can I choose the intended parents?


Yes, you the surrogate mother, can choose the intended parents. A surrogacy agency, such as Shared Conception,  will have the intended parents  review a profile and questionnaire about you, the potential surrogate mother.  As they are forming an opinion about you,  you will also receive a brief profile about the  intended parents for your own evaluation.

Depending upon the agency with whom you are working with, you will have the opportunity to communicate with the selected intended parents  with the intent of building an initial rapport within this new relationship. It may even be possible to have a face-to-face meeting with them, if all parties are in agreement. You will then decide whether you wish to work with the prospective intended parents.

If you feel that the selected relationship is not the best  fit for you, the agency will continue to work at matching you with other intended parents that are better suited to your expectations. Agencies actively try to “sync” the intended parents  and surrogates who have  similar beliefs, philosophies and interests, but this may not always happen on the first selection.  That’s okay, competent surrogacy agencies such as Shared Conception, will eventually find the right match for you. Call us, we are ready to work with you.


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