Surrogacy and a Miscarriage –An Initial Reaction

One often wonders how intended parents deal with the emotions associated with their surrogate suffering a miscarriage. Not only do they have to deal with their own grief and feelings of helplessness but they also have to deal with the surrogate and her feelings of loss and disappointment in not immediately being able to “deliver” for the intended parents. Here is how Bill and Guiliana  Rancic (she’s from E! TV) got through the initial shock of their surrogate’s miscarriage (in front of realty tv cameras).

The couple revealed that their surrogate, Delphine, suffered a miscarriage, and Bill opened up about what happened during an interview on E! News with Jason Kennedy.


“This whole season on Giuliana and Bill we’ve been trying to have another baby. Unfortunately our surrogate Delphine who we love very much had a miscarriage. It’s something that we didn’t see coming. We were devastated. She was about nine weeks pregnant. We were pretty close to getting into the safe zone. We experienced a miscarriage years ago when we were trying with Giuliana, so we had been keeping the pregnancy news tight to the vest.”

At least the saddened parents understand that sometimes these things are just a part of the circle of life, and that the surrogate had nothing to do with it. Bill added:

“Delphine is amazing. We hit the surrogate lottery when we met her. Obviously this was no fault of hers. It’s a double sadness because we didn’t want her to feel bad. And Giuliana was rather distraught at first, but she’s tough. In times like this we rely on our faith. Once the tears went away we started to look towards the future.”

Guilian continued, “It’s really about knowing there’s a bigger plan at play, so for some reason, it wasn’t meant to happen this way. It’ll all be clear one day soon.”

And getting such news was a little difficult with all of the cameras around shooting their realty show, Giuliana & Bill, so Guiliana explained that they had to take a different approach.

“I gotta say, though, in that clip, what really happens there—you know, you’re getting this call and there’s cameraman around you and all these people and Bill and I kinda looked at each other like, ‘You know what? Let’s just  make this call short and let’s get off camera and talk to the doctor more about this,” she said.

“We’re kinda in shock, but we had to take the conversation off-camera when some things have to be private, especially when you’re first learning information like that.”

Whether they are surrogates or biological mothers, miscarriages, unfortunately, occur and the devastation to all parties is great. Shared Conception stands ready to compassionately help navigate these unexpected paths and get back on-track. Call us. We can help you.

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