It’s a MATCH! Matching the Intended Parent with the Surrogate


Match – “to be equal to (something or someone) in quality or
strength; to make or to be harmonious.” What perfect definitions to
describe how the  staff at our surrogacy
agency matches our intended parents and surrogate mothers! We want to ensure
that the surrogate and the intended parents are certainly equal in inner
strength and that the surrogate has a harmonious pregnancy.


Shared Conceptions objective is that the surrogate and intended
parents interact in an extraordinarily comfortable environment and that both
parties build a good, solid rapport and partnership. That said, we strive to
pinpoint your core beliefs and innate desires so that everyone is
mentally comfortable and relaxed throughout the pregnancy.

If you are comfortable with the surrogate we present to you, we
will immediately contact them. If they, too, are interested in moving forward,
Shared Conception will coordinate a three-way phone conversation between you,
the intended parents, the surrogate and a member of our team. If all parties
agree to move forward, then the next step is to arrange a face-to-face meeting
so everyone can discuss the partnership and expectations.

This is such an exciting time in the life of you all and the
surrogate. Imagine all the hopes, dreams, expectations and anticipation all
wrapped up into the actual match between two families? Simply amazing!

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