Profile of a Surrogate Mom

To be honest, the real question is not whether Shared Conception
will  accept you into our program, but
whether being a surrogate mother is the right choice for you. We thoughtfully
spend time helping each potential surrogate  decide if becoming a surrogate mother is the
right choice for her and her family and whether this is a good time in their
lives to begin this journey.

Based on our years of experience, we, at Shared Conception, have
identified three  requirements which are
just the foundation to begin the screening phase as we journey towards a woman
becoming a surrogate mom.


1. Age factor  a
woman between  the ages of 21-38 years
old is a good the maturity to deal with and understand the intricacies of surrogate
parenting and the effect her decision may have on her own children. The upper
age limit is based solely on medical considerations, and the link between age
and high risk pregnancies.

2. Have a child of her own. Shared Conception believes
that only someone who has gone through a pregnancy, felt a child move, and
given birth can understand “bonding” and know if she can become a
surrogate mother and relinquish the child to the Intended Parents. In addition
to having given birth, we require that she must be actively raising her child.
We believe that only a woman who has experience in parenting a child and
understands what it takes to be a parent, can be a surrogate mother.

3. Financially secure. Since money should not be the major
motivating factor in deciding to become a surrogate mother, anyone on welfare
or receiving state assistance, is excluded from our program.

In a nutshell, we need to ensure this potential surrogate mom has
the support of her family and that her children understand that she is not
“giving away” a sibling.  At
our surrogacy agency, we thoroughly screen our candidates to determine their
psychological health and are confident with our choices.  Contact us for more information on becoming a
surrogate mom through Shared Conception!

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