Surrogacy agency owner pleads guilty

Why it’s important for intended families to do their due diligence

A Modesto, California woman is in jail this morning for taking millions of dollars from intended parents. She entered a guilty plea for embezzlement and wire fraud. Intended parents as far away as Germany lost money and still have no family to show for all their time and money put into the process. The money Tonya Ann Collins was supposed to use for surrogate health care and egg donors was squandered on cars, homes, jewelry and vacations.

This makes my blood curl.

And that is why I want moms considering becoming a surrogate and intended families to thoroughly research Shared Conception or any other surrogacy agency.

Do your due diligence.

The Internet is a great place to start your search but don’t let it stop there.

Call clients of the agency you’re considering and talk to the families.

Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints exist.

Ask your doctor for referrals and most important trust your instincts. If something just doesn’t feel quite right, don’t ignore it.

I want you to ask questions, talk to as many people as you can because it breaks my heart that intended families and surrogate mothers were taken advantage of in this way.

Collins could spend up to 20 years in jail for her crimes.

For the families she’s hurt, I wonder if they’ll feel that’s long enough.

It’s cases like this that reinforce my belief that the surrogacy industry will soon be regulated and rightfully so.
In the meantime, do due diligence and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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