Top 10 Reasons to Become a Surrogate

David Letterman has one, so do most magazines and gossip shows. What is it? Top ten lists! And since the New Year is upon us and many will watch the ball drop in Times Square, we thought we’d countdown the top ten reasons women should consider being a surrogate.

So in pure David Letterman fashion, here’s our top ten list!

  • Number 10: Your last pregnancies were a breeze!
  • Number 9: You want to turn intended parents into parents.
  • Number 8: Changing foul diapers and countless sleepless nights should be experienced by all!
  • Number 7: Your personality tests overwhelming classify you as a giver.
  • Number 6: Being a surrogate pays you to give the gift of life.
  • Number 5: Being pregnant justifies your secret love for pickles and ice cream.
  • Number 4: You think modern medicine is way cool.
  • Number 3: You really hate infertility and the hurt and pain it causes.
  • Number 2: Maternity fashion is hot right now.
  • And the number one reason to consider being a surrogate: Babies are an absolute blessing to those who can’t have them on their own.

We hope you enjoyed our fun list of reasons to become a surrogate. We know the reasons to become a surrogate are personal, varied and numerous. But one thing is for certain, the joy you’ll bring to an intended family if you decide to be a surrogate mother will validate whatever your reasons may be.

Wishing you all a Wonderful and Joyous New Year. Contact Shared Conception.

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